Sunday, June 19, 2011


 Breakfast, served with love.

Nugget loves to hold Brother. But does Brother love it? Not so much.

Reading her baby book. She loves to look at the 'doctor page'...her first pictures, moments after birth.

 Helping Mommy at Brother's check up.

Eerie sky. My first picture taken while driving. I don't recommend it.

Nugget and I went to a 'Big and Little Yoga' class together this week. She was excited to do 'moga' with me. This makes me chuckle as Moga is my doctor. Anyhow, she LOVED it! Her favorite poses were cat and cow, downward facing dog and the turtle.

Brother came along with us to yoga because, well, my kids go everywhere with me! He was a great sport about it. His favorite pose? The happy baby. He's pretty good at it too.

It was another great week in our happy home. Tell me, what did you do this week?

1 comment:

  1. i know wasn't the sky crazy?? it looked so so weird.

    fun mom and daughter yoga. i'd love that with my girlies.

    i spent the week in my basement painting and crafting. if the weather ever turns summery i'm pool bound, but for now it's project time.
