Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Can we even call it that?! I feel like we were cheated out of one of my favorite seasons! With the chilly days and all the rain, I didn't nearly get my fix of that fresh spring air, cool walks outside, watching the buds grow on trees, and waking up to the birds singing. But when life hands you lemons, you're supposed to make lemonade, right? Well, that's what we did.

Lilacs are my favorite. I adore them. I could sit and smell them all day. Last year we finally planted a lilac bush in our garden, but it's still new and growth is small. As I was secretly plotting out which alleys in town had hidden bushes that I may be able to sneak a few cuttings from, a neighbor down the road graciously offered to share hers with us. I love kind neighbors.

In between rain showers and streams of shining sun, we ventured down the road to go lilac picking.
Silly sister thought this was appropriate attire for the occasion.

Sister puts her own crooked pants on, and we're off! (I love that she's learning to dress herself!)

Good thing we grabbed some umbrellas on our way out the door, because as luck would have it, it rained on us. But you know what? We embraced it. It added to our adventure. We were safe and dry and having fun. That's all that mattered. Sister didn't make one complaint, and Brother was safely tucked against my chest in the wrap. All was well. And our prize? This:


Moving along...we had some work to do. We had Nugget's garden to plant. Mother Nature made that tricky, often leaving the soil too wet to plant our seeds. So when we finally did get a dry day, we had to rush out there and get it done. Still crossing my fingers that everything comes up. We've had luck so far with the radishes. Cucumbers and carrots to come...hopefully.

Hello friend.

I'm amazed my girl got this close to a bug. Or something creepy and crawly for that matter. Poor girl is terrified of anything that moves. But I really can't blame her. I'm not much of a role model. Just the thought of bugs sends shivers down my spine. I'm afraid there's not much hope for her either. That's alright. Daddy will save us when we really need him to.

Can't have a garden without decorations!

And that's a wrap. Bring on summer!

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