Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I really cannot believe that summer is officially over and we are back to our school year routines. I do appreciate the consistency of a routine again, but we're only two days in and I already miss those slow, easy mornings. We're all adjusting and will snap back to it in no time, let's hope!

Nugget started her second year of preschool this week, and while she is a little hesitant to have a new assistant teacher and 20 kids in this Pre-K class (versus 8 last year!), she had a great first day back and was happy to reunite with some of her pals.

Lots of people have questioned our choice to not send her to Kindergarten this year, but I knew since the day she was born that I'd keep her at home with me for an extra year. I mean, come on, her birthday IS the cutoff date. And I'm a former Kindergarten teacher for goodness sakes, I know that there is no harm in holding her back. This way she'll be one of the oldest instead of the youngest, hopefully a leader instead of a follower. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm totally selfish and just want her with me! Once they go off to school you never really get these precious baby days back!

Any who, her teacher is amazing and posts daily updates (with pictures!) of all their class happenings. So even when she tells me she did "nothing" in school on a particular day, I totally know the inside scoop! Here are some pics from her first day:

Nugget's favs of the day were reconnecting with her buddy, Kate, and checking out The Little Mermaid from Mrs. Pleis' library. Ahh, the good life ;)

And! Before I forget, last week when all the big kids went back to school, we did our traditional breakfast at Patty's Place, and watched all the school buses go by. I did get a little teary eyed knowing that next year she is going to be on one of those buses. I am determined to make this year count big. Eat her up while I still can.

Catching up on the ol' blog here is on my To-Do list for this week, cross your fingers for me that it happens! xx


  1. Love that she is the only one with her arms in the air in the second pic of her school day! Having more fun than she lets on ;-) Hoping you get your blog posts in and that everyone is adjusting well to the school routine. See you soon!

  2. that teacher deserves a gold star for daily updates and pics. What a gift to all the parents! Looking forward to seeing you at our little school on Monday. :-)
