Wednesday, June 18, 2014


We are off to a great start with our summer. Life is always eventful with three kids in tow, but we've got our rhythm down, and we're ready to take on many adventures (as long as we make it back before nap time!)

Naughty naughty!
We've known for a year or two that the roads that run in front of and alongside our house were slated for reconstruction during the summer months. I was prepared for it...I thought. We were promised that we wouldn't lose any trees, and that we'd have a nice new sidewalk when all was finished (yay for bike and trike riding!). We took it with grace for the first few weeks. It was fun to watch all the diggers (I know, I a mother of two boys I should really be able to differentiate my diggers. Don't hate.) What I wasn't prepared for was the daily 7am wake up call to back up alarms and metal scrapping pavement and dirt. I also wasn't prepared for the insane amount of rain we've been getting, which has made everything around us into mud. I wasn't prepared to have half my driveway removed and turned into dirt, or rather, mud. I wasn't prepared for temporary water lines running every which way through our yard, which makes playing and mowing interesting.

We've been doing our best to be patient. To be kind to the hard working men behind the operation. We're making the best of it. I am grateful for the free entertainment. I am grateful for friendly smiles. I'm grateful for men that built our driveway ramp first so I could get Orelia to dance on time. I am grateful for the workers that pushed my van out of the mud. I am grateful for the back hoe operator that waves to my kids and invited them to come check out his ride.

It's pretty loud and dirty around here, but we're not letting it slow us down. Summer is here and we're going to make the most of it!

1 comment:

  1. It'll be over soon! But it IS such a production, isn't it! Feels so strange that I've been right there!
